
October 26, 2020 – These corona days make abundantly clear the flaws and errors in our society. Conspiracy theorists show the hidden agendas of the WHO, WEF, Microsoft, and tie them to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros, Bilderberg, you name it. For an individual, a simple citizen, it is hard to distinguish fact from fake, right from wrong, biased from non-biased. The internet contributed to transparency and availability of information, but also created an info wars theatre. The establishment, and everybody else, is fighting for attention and public favour. It has become a war of perception. If you’re able to influence and frame your audience into a positive perception of your narrative, then your version of the truth or reality will be hard to challenge.

Still, the internet is still a relatively open and free to use network. Or so is my belief. If you’re open to it, you will notice the mainstream narrative is broadly challenged. But the challengers are censored. Accounts of corona-critics on LinkedIn (a Microsoft company) have been removed. Videos of scientists and doctors questioning the mainstream corona narrative on YouTube (a Google company) have been removed as well. I see many complaints about censorship on Twitter as well: accounts are suspended and people have to start all over again. The censorship is justified as a measure against “fake news”. And justified as corporate social responsibility.

Well, this is where this website is about. I’m all in favour of a company or a business community taking responsibility that extends to our society. But something is going terribly wrong here.

This website will log my quest to research what goes wrong, how to repair what’s broken or how to prevent things going wrong.

First we need to define and then identify what’s wrong.

What’s wrong

What’s wrong is:

  1. that we are not aware enough how and when we’re influenced or framed. We’re not aware of the sender’s intentions, agenda’s, technology and methods.
  2. we ourselves are biased. We stick to “one version of the truth”: I am right and you are wrong. There is no such thing. As a linguist, an academically skilled translator, I know all too well, that every phrase is open for many interpretations. I was trained to convey all possible aspects of an expression from one language into another. This requires a translator or interpretor who not only perfectly understands the language of the author or sender involved, but also the background culture, history, reasoning, psychology, mindset, etc, etc. Many layers of “meaning” are hidden in the languages we’re using and generally speaking, we’re often quite able to interpret the message as intended by the author or sender. But I don’t need to remind you of the communication breakdowns we’ve all experienced. Well, now you know what I mean: there are so many factors packed into every phrase we use that I wouldn’t be surprised if you would realise this and conclude it would be best to keep you mouth shut for the rest of your live.

I don’ t recommend that though 😉 Please, speak out, let’s have a dialogue.

Lost connections

And why a dialogue? Why not a debate or an argument? I don’t argue debates and arguments can be functional or useful. In a dialogue though, people are committed to remain connected, they don’t try to “win the argument” but are intent to broaden their minds, to understand more and are aware that your conversation partners can help you achieve that goal. So it’s not my aim to debate and survive as the fittest, but to (re-) establish connections and find out what we’re actually doing here, in our lives and our businesses.

Update september 10th, 2021: I recommend watching the video “Locating yourself, a key to conscious leadership” by The Conscious Leadership Group. Are you above or below the line?

Business Purpose

Many people are aware that it’s not only people who are looking to re-establish connections, but also the organisations they work for. For decades, if not centuries, we were instructed to keep an eye on the money. Unfortunately, this unilateral focus has evolved in a global system destroying our planet and our lives. Sure, numerous good things have been realised, more people live in peace, people are wealthier, healthier and better educated. But it’s obvious that a business cannot isolate itself from it’s environment and just exist for the sole purpose of making money. That will end in complete destruction of our planet. This is what can be witnessed every day. That has to stop. Businesses need to connect with a sense of purpose. A purpose to contribute constructively for all of us. Including everyone and everything. To be clear: it’s not just about us, humans, we need to include our environment in all aspects. We need to think like gods really. And that closes the circle. God = Love.


Let that sink in please. I’m not religious, this has nothing, or in my view, very little to do with religion. The more you are “godlike”, and master the art of loving, the better for all of us, including you.